Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Hakan't Believe It.

While discussing the slightly odd new characters for Street Fighter 4,
I pointed out that Capcom had simply returned to their tried and true SF2 method of simply going with almost racist stereotypes (or if that fails, just rip off the nearest SNK design *cough*C. Viper/Iori*cough*)

This method even applied to many of the returning characters chosen for Super Street Fighter IV.
(Tea drinking english gentlemen, Native Amricans with feathers in their hair, Japanese high school ninja/karate girls and so on)
But when I heard rumours of the final new character to be revealed, I dismissed many of them without a second thought.

"A comedy mustachioed Arabian character who's obsessed with oil? Surely you jest, sir!"

Oh, Capcom.

There will be some non-street fighter updates coming soon, I Promise.
Especially once I've played more FFXIII and Bioshock 2.


  1. *laughs* Did you believe for a second it wouldn't be like this? ;) Also.. please, nothing about FF13 or Bioshock 2 thanks... unless it's slagging off boring solo polo games :P (Well ok, there's definitely some valuable commentary to be done I've no doubt!)

  2. That is really really awful though. Not the stereotyping, just a crappy looking character and worse looking moves :(
