“One-on-one bullet hell. Like, a whole game based around Ikaruga’s boss fights. It’s wonderful.”
I’m sure I’m not alone in this. But whenever I’m attempting to describe a game I’m enthusiastic about to a friend that hasn’t seen/heard/played said game, I instinctivally go for the most banal five-second elevator pitch description and then spend the rest of the conversation laying down a series of awkward “Well... No. Not quite like that” disclaimers.
Vorpal doesn’t need any of your disclaimers. It swamps them with a hypnotic flurry of red/black-on-white geometric projectiles. And just as you’ve had time to comprehend and adjust to the hyper-dimensional swarm, the pattern shifts. Adapt or die.
Microsoft usually treats The XBLA Indie section like a shameful and hideously mutated step-child. But games like Vorpal really do make the occasional trip to the Indie dungeon worthwhile. Just don’t stare directly at the piles of massage “games” ...for that path leads to madness.
Vorpal is available now on the XBLA indie marketplace for 80 Microsoft points.
Thanks for letting me know about this. I've still not had time to play it properly though. Not sure it's reaching Battle High heights tho ;-)